Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mediocre Housekeeping II

Just checking in since two days ago I started using Money Saving Mom's customizable Daily Cleaning Checklist.  I really got a lot done (more than was on my day's to-do) yesterday.

So far I have found out a weekly vacuuming doesn't cut it in a house with a fur machine dog, two active boys, and a crawling baby.  It's amazing how a previously-unnoticeable, minuscule scrap of paper or candy-wrapper is like a magnet to a little baby's pincer grasp!  So the customizable worksheet is getting some tweaks here and there. I figure in a week or two I'll have it mostly down.

What I like about it is that the daily stuff is broken up into segments: before breakfast, after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner.  For me, it is mentally easier to tackle two to four things than to look at a list of a dozen things I have to get done today.

The other thing that makes it tolerable is good smells.  I have been using Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day all purpose cleaner.  It smells SO good.  You almost WANT to clean just to smell it.  (Almost.)  If I could, I would buy every single product made by this company and spend all day smelling it. :)

It's not cheap stuff, but I got this bottle on sale at Fred Meyer and dilute it (2 teaspoons per quart of water) in a reused squirt bottle.  That makes it cheaper than the ready-to-use spray and so it lasts forever.  But I digress.

Today was busy, but I still managed to get most of my to-do's done, as well as some computer work for my job, go to a meeting, take Caleb to the doctor, go to the dentist, and have dinner at my mom's house.  (Not cooking dinner saved me a few tasks today, too!)

Tomorrow we will also have dinner out (Caleb's in a play and they're serving a potluck dinner), but I still have to prepare something to take and share.  (And that will be tomorrow's post!)

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